Protect those 70-years and up
COVID-19 is a coronavirus that causes atypical pneumonia. It was reported for the first time, in China, on December 31, 2019. In just a few weeks the virus spread across the globe. On March 11, 2020 the World Health Organization (WHO) declared that the COVID-19 outbreak had become a pandemic.

Fernande Bellegarde says “Hi” to her children from up on her balcony
The drastic measures imposed to fight the new virus created a virtual shock wave. Seniors 70 and older were literally forbidden to go outside or socialize.

People couldn’t even go in to sign paycheques
Hercule Boulanger, Nancy Shepard, Liliane Lessard, Gilles Lavoie, Fernande Bellegarde and Paul Kinnis recall how they coped with the upheaval in their daily routine.