In hindsight
Was it really necessary to go so far as to cut seniors off completely from the rest of the world? Alexandrine Poissant, Hercule Boulanger and Lise Goad pose the question.
Condemned to eat alone!

Health authorities denied access to family caregivers and other volunteers who regularly help the elderly living in residences. Was it really necessary to deny seniors this comfort and support? Irène Larose believes that people suffered a great deal because of it.
If some of those who were confined (or their families) defied the rules, Alexandrine Poissant and Fernande Bellegarde say the vast majority of seniors resigned themselves to living alone.

There was nothing else to do (literally and figuratively) but play Solitaire
Alexandrine Poissant, Chair of the Board,Villas des Monts, noticed that people who had to enforce the confinement measures, such as staff at the Villas des Monts, did not appreciate their new role in the least. Paul Kinnis, who worked at the Mont-Sutton Ski Resort, also said that he found it hard to ensure that everyone obeyed the rules.

A skier, yes, but one who was masked and closely watched.