Catalog Fonds d’histoire orale

Another great success! Héritage Sutton has put online on its website and on that of Bibliothèque et archives nationales du Québes (BAnQ), which partly financed its production, the Répertoire du Fonds d’histoire orale, featuring more than 150 audio or video interviews recorded between 1977-2023. These testimonials from people, most of whom were born, lived and…

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Launch of a 40th history booklet

This fortieth issue coincides with the 40th anniversary of the Sutton Valley Weavers’ Guild, to which we dedicate two articles that bear witness to a remarkable evolution in practices and a dynamism that time has not eroded. Textile fiber processing was widely practiced in the homes of the first inhabitants of Sutton Township. At the…

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A special issue of History Sketchbooks on the former dairy of Sutton

Héritage Sutton publishes a special issue dedicated to the history of the old dairy and to Sutton’s rich agricultural past. A history in two parts. The first one covers the period from 1894 to 1945, during which local investors were in charge; the second part relates the period from 1945 to 1980, when the Boulanger…

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A new virtual file : “A century of educational service”

Heritage Sutton has traced the history of Sutton Academy and Ave Maria School, which successively occupied the building now known as the John-Sleeth Community Centre between 1886 and 1986. This file gathers archival documents, photos and oral testimonies of people who attended these schools it can be consulted online at This project was made…

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The John-Sleeth Centre: State of play

It is not only today that the population of Sutton, and more specifically the cultural community, is questioning the need for a cultural and community center worthy of the name. The reflection was particularly intense between 2008 and 2012 and led to the filing of several reports that were probably kept in the City archives…

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Call for volunteers !

If you like history and have a little time, join our team of volunteers for the pleasure of exchanging on genealogy, heritage, the great moments of local and regional history and to discover the testimonies of those who built Sutton. Send us an email at specifying your field of interest. Thank you for your interest.

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